Join Us On Sunday Mornings!
In Person or on Facebook Live
at 9:30 am
Children’s Ministry
Sundays at 9:30 am
beginning in the Sanctuary
Mid Week Lenten Worship
Wednesdays through April 9
6 pm – Meal and Lenten Activity in the Fellowship Hall
7 pm – Worship - Holden Evening Prayer (also streamed on Facebook Live)
Food sign-ups for the Lenten meals can be found in the narthex. Please sign up in advance if possible so we can have an approximate head count. Thank you!

Director of Children and Youth Ministry at St. Paul’s
St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Telford, PA is looking for a Director of Children and Youth Ministry. The director will be responsible for supporting St. Paul’s living out our mission understanding that we are brought together by God, and therefore serve God joyfully by sharing the love of Christ Jesus in word and action. The focus of this position is to pay particular attention to nurturing spiritual formation by providing leadership, planning, and support to the children and youth Christian Education ministry at St. Paul’s. The person shall be an individual whose understanding of scripture and the Christian faith is in keeping with the teaching of the ELCA. It is understood that this person will provide a Christian influence in the lives of those they are leading toward a more vital involvement in Christian discipleship. The position is part time, 20-25 hours per week. The salary will be based on a candidate's skills, experience, and other qualifications. Inquiries may be made by emailing our church office through the link below.

Scrap Metal Recycling Event
Saturday, April 5 from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm in our parking lot
Stop by to drop off any metal objects you no longer need. We will accept bicycles, lawn mowers, car batteries, copper, metal, or cast iron plumbing fittings, aluminum lawn furniture, grills, wheels, brake drums, etc. Practically anything metal will be accepted. We will also accept room air conditioners and dehumidifiers free of charge! Please DO NOT bring tin cans, paint cans, vacuums, microwaves, refrigerators, freezers, hazardous material or electronics. Thank you, in advance, for your donated metals!!! If you have any questions, please click the link below to email our church office.

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