Lenten Sunday Speaker Series
10:45 AM10:45

Lenten Sunday Speaker Series

Sundays during Lent at 10:45 am in the Fellowship Hall

March 9 – Presenter: Marian Henry / Topic: “Bake and Pray”

March 16 – Presenter: Pastor Marcia Bell / Topic: “Supply and Demand: A Realistic Look at Pastors and Congregations”

March 23 – Presenters: Pastor Kristina Ahlman and Ron Schneck / Topic: “The FBI, As We Saw It”

March 30 – Presenter: Collin Grooms, Executive Director of Bear Creek Camp /
Topic: “The ‘Secret’ of Bear Creek Camp

April 6 – Presenter: Deacon Carol Detweiler / Topic: “The Art of Wisdom: What and Where Art Thou?”

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St. Paul's Bible Study
12:00 PM12:00

St. Paul's Bible Study

The Bible Study meets at St. Paul’s on the first and third Thursday of each month. Come and join us in Christian Fellowship for this informal time to reflect, discuss and learn. All are welcome! Be sure to bring your own lunch. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.

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St. Paul's Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

St. Paul's Bible Study

The Bible Study meets at St. Paul’s on the first and third Thursday of each month. Come and join us in Christian Fellowship for this informal time to reflect, discuss and learn. All are welcome! Be sure to bring your own lunch. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.

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Scrap Metal Recycling Event
8:00 AM08:00

Scrap Metal Recycling Event

Stop by to drop off any metal objects you no longer need. We will accept bicycles, lawn mowers, car batteries, copper, metal, or cast iron plumbing fittings, aluminum lawn furniture, grills, wheels, brake drums, etc. Practically anything metal will be accepted. We will also accept room air conditioners and dehumidifiers free of charge! Please DO NOT bring tin cans, paint cans, vacuums, microwaves, refrigerators, freezers, hazardous material or electronics. Thank you, in advance, for your donated metals!!!

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Lenten Sunday Speaker Series
10:45 AM10:45

Lenten Sunday Speaker Series

Sundays during Lent at 10:45 am in the Fellowship Hall

March 9 – Presenter: Marian Henry / Topic: “Bake and Pray”

March 16 – Presenter: Pastor Marcia Bell / Topic: “Supply and Demand: A Realistic Look at Pastors and Congregations”

March 23 – Presenters: Pastor Kristina Ahlman and Ron Schneck / Topic: “The FBI, As We Saw It”

March 30 – Presenter: Collin Grooms, Executive Director of Bear Creek Camp /
Topic: “The ‘Secret’ of Bear Creek Camp

April 6 – Presenter: Deacon Carol Detweiler / Topic: “The Art of Wisdom: What and Where Art Thou?”

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St. Paul's Bible Study
12:00 PM12:00

St. Paul's Bible Study

The Bible Study meets at St. Paul’s on the first and third Thursday of each month. Come and join us in Christian Fellowship for this informal time to reflect, discuss and learn. All are welcome! Be sure to bring your own lunch. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.

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Game Night!
7:00 PM19:00

Game Night!

National Board Game Day is Friday, April 11! So let’s get together
and play our favorite board games!

Friday, April 11 from 7-9pm. Bring your favorite night time snack to share!

All ages are invited but SPIFFY youth in grades 4 – 6 will continue through 11pm

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St. Paul's Bible Study
12:00 PM12:00

St. Paul's Bible Study

The Bible Study meets at St. Paul’s on the first and third Thursday of each month. Come and join us in Christian Fellowship for this informal time to reflect, discuss and learn. All are welcome! Be sure to bring your own lunch. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.

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Thomas Keesecker Piano Concert
3:00 PM15:00

Thomas Keesecker Piano Concert

Thomas Keesecker

Pianist and Composer in Concert
Piano Music, Poetry, Songs and Stories

Featuring music from his new collection The Quiet Journey, Piano Music for Lent

Sunday, March 23 at 3:00 pm at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church

A Free Will Offering will be collected

Since 2017, Thomas Keesecker has given over 100 performances of his piano music from churches on the West Coast to the East Coast, and from Canada to Florida. Keesecker, a composer and church musician as well as performer, is known around the country for his sensitive, delightful, and meditative piano arrangements of hymns. At this concert, we'll be able to sing some of them together, as well as listen to his interpretations. His music may be listened to on Amazon Music, Spotify, and YouTube.

After recent concerts, attendees commented as follows:

“Your playing is truly inspirational, and I loved the format with the poetry readings intermingled with the commentary, the humor, and the phenomenal truly soul-stirring playing.”
from the Director of Music, Joy Lutheran Church in Ocala, FL

I had an opportunity (and the delight) to be present for a Thomas Keesecker "informal piano concert" last night in Vero Beach, FL. Across 90-minutes, spirits were palpably salved and brightened by the intertwining mix of Tom's music played, humor offered, poetry recited (Mary Oliver, Wendell Berry, Emily Dickinson, and one other poet-I missed their name), stories shared, all in a wondrous welcoming space. AND, we got to sing his jazz chorded arrangement of "I Want Jesus to Walk with Me." Today, still coming out of last week's cold weather blast, in a set of wild news weeks, I can move forward, centered afresh. I am intent to care, ready to practice calm agency for others, for we shall overcome someday …
from a retired Lutheran Pastor

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Lenten Sunday Speaker Series
10:45 AM10:45

Lenten Sunday Speaker Series

Sundays during Lent at 10:45 am in the Fellowship Hall

March 9 – Presenter: Marian Henry / Topic: “Bake and Pray”

March 16 – Presenter: Pastor Marcia Bell / Topic: “Supply and Demand: A Realistic Look at Pastors and Congregations”

March 23 – Presenters: Pastor Kristina Ahlman and Ron Schneck / Topic: “The FBI, As We Saw It”

March 30 – Presenter: Collin Grooms, Executive Director of Bear Creek Camp /
Topic: “The ‘Secret’ of Bear Creek Camp

April 6 – Presenter: Deacon Carol Detweiler / Topic: “The Art of Wisdom: What and Where Art Thou?”

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St. Paul's Bible Study
12:00 PM12:00

St. Paul's Bible Study

The Bible Study meets at St. Paul’s on the first and third Thursday of each month. Come and join us in Christian Fellowship for this informal time to reflect, discuss and learn. All are welcome! Be sure to bring your own lunch. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.

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Lenten Sunday Speaker Series
10:45 AM10:45

Lenten Sunday Speaker Series

Sundays during Lent at 10:45 am in the Fellowship Hall

March 9 – Presenter: Marian Henry / Topic: “Bake and Pray”

March 16 – Presenter: Pastor Marcia Bell / Topic: “Supply and Demand: A Realistic Look at Pastors and Congregations”

March 23 – Presenters: Pastor Kristina Ahlman and Ron Schneck / Topic: “The FBI, As We Saw It”

March 30 – Presenter: Collin Grooms, Executive Director of Bear Creek Camp /
Topic: “The ‘Secret’ of Bear Creek Camp

April 6 – Presenter: Deacon Carol Detweiler / Topic: “The Art of Wisdom: What and Where Art Thou?”

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St. Paul's Bible Study
12:00 PM12:00

St. Paul's Bible Study

The Bible Study meets at St. Paul’s on the first and third Thursday of each month. Come and join us in Christian Fellowship for this informal time to reflect, discuss and learn. All are welcome! Be sure to bring your own lunch. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.

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Lenten Sunday Speaker Series
10:45 AM10:45

Lenten Sunday Speaker Series

Sundays during Lent at 10:45 am in the Fellowship Hall

March 9 – Presenter: Marian Henry / Topic: “Bake and Pray”

March 16 – Presenter: Pastor Marcia Bell / Topic: “Supply and Demand: A Realistic Look at Pastors and Congregations”

March 23 – Presenters: Pastor Kristina Ahlman and Ron Schneck / Topic: “The FBI, As We Saw It”

March 30 – Presenter: Collin Grooms, Executive Director of Bear Creek Camp /
Topic: “The ‘Secret’ of Bear Creek Camp

April 6 – Presenter: Deacon Carol Detweiler / Topic: “The Art of Wisdom: What and Where Art Thou?”

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"Come and See" Children's Ministry Open House
10:00 AM10:00

"Come and See" Children's Ministry Open House

All families with kids younger than 5th grade are invited to join us for a fun morning! Please consider inviting your grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews & neighbors! It’s purpose: To introduce young families, who may not be familiar with St. Paul’s, to the many faith-based opportunities we offer besides traditional Sunday School.

Families will rotate at their leisure through eleven Children’s Ministry sites! At each site there will be a kid-friendly activity, kids will get a prize to put in their “goodie bag” and get their Ministry Passport stamped!

Come & See!!

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St. Paul's Bible Study
6:00 PM18:00

St. Paul's Bible Study

The Bible Study meets at St. Paul’s on the first and third Thursday of each month. Come and join us in Christian Fellowship for this informal time to reflect, discuss and learn. All are welcome! Be sure to bring your own lunch. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.

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