Scrap Metal Recycling Event
Saturday, May 15 from 8 am—12 noon
in the parking lot
Stop by to drop off any metal objects you may have accumulated throughout your COVID hibernation that you no longer need. We will accept bicycles, lawn mowers, car batteries, copper, metal, or cast iron plumbing fittings, aluminum lawn furniture, grills, wheels, brake drums, etc. Practically anything metal will be accepted. Please DO NOT bring electronic devices, tires or hazardous materials.
COVID protocols will be enforced. We request that items to be recycled are located in the bed area of a pickup truck or in the trunk or hatchback area of a car, NOT in the back seat. Please be masked when you enter the parking area and remain in your vehicle. Thank you, in advance, for your donated metals!!!
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please click the link below.