Join Us On
Sunday Mornings!

In Person or on Facebook Live
at 9:30 am

Children’s Ministry
Outside at 10:30 am
through Sunday, June 6

Worship with us In Person or Online!


Join us each Sunday morning at 9:30 am for worship! You can worship with us in person or online on Facebook! Until further notice, masks will be required during in-person worship. Sign ups will NOT be required. For those who are not comfortable joining us in person at this time, we will continue to stream our worship services on our Facebook page. You can find our Facebook Page by clicking the link below. Recordings of the worship services and other worship videos are also available on the “Worship Videos” section under the Resources tab of our website.

Summer Mid Week Outdoor Worship


Second and Fourth Tuesdays of June, July and August
6:30 pm in the Parking Lot

Join us this summer on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month for informal worship in our parking lot at 6:30 pm. Our theme will be “Our Worship Life Together”. Each week will focus on a different part of our Sunday worship. We will also have a short time for an intergenerational activity toward the end of each service that will focus on each week’s theme! Please bring a lawn chair if you have one (though we will have some chairs available if you need one!)

The schedule is as follows:

June 8- Confession and Forgiveness:  Grace
June 22- Kyrie and Hymn of Praise:  Mercy and Praise
July 13- The Word:  God Speaks to Us
July 27- Offering and Offertory:  Receiving, Giving, Sharing
August 10- Sacraments:  Signs of Blessing
August 24- Hymn Sing:  The Songs of our Faith (also Blessing of Backpacks, School Items and Teachers)


Blessing Box Donations

At the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis, St. Paul’s created a “Blessing Box” outside our front doors for non-perishable donations. This is a place for those in need to take what they need, and for those who are able to leave donations for others. We have been so blessed to be a blessing to our community during this time. The Blessing Box is used very heavily by our community, and we are always looking for donations of non-perishable items. Anything you can contribute is appreciated! If you need suggestions on what would be good to contribute, please check out the list below.


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