St. Paul’s Social Ministry Team promotes and coordinates opportunities to make faith active in love within the congregation as well as our local community, the Philadelphia region, nationally and around the world. We work with many partners and agencies to help feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless and welcome the stranger.
Current and past projects include:
We support the Red Cross by sponsoring four blood drives a year. Sign up for our next blood drive by clicking the link below.
We support Keystone Opportunity Center’s food pantry with non-perishable items.
We raised over $500 to help “stomp out World Hunger” participating in the annual Pennridge Crop Walk.
Coffee for our coffee hour and social events is purchased supporting Fair Trade, which enables farmers of third world countries to have jobs farming cocoa beans.
Annual trip to Logan Circle where we participate with “The Welcome Church” in serving communion to some of Phildelphia’s homeless population. We donate hats, gloves and blankets in addition to providing hot coffee and cookies.
We support the needs of Lutheran Children and Family Services by gathering and collecting furniture and clothing as needed, as well as providing transportation to and from work on an as needed basis for refugees in our neighboring communities.
We raised over $1000 in support of the ELCA’s “Swat Our Malaria” campaign.
Under the leadership of Interfaith Hospitality Network, we have provided overnight lodging, a home cooked meal and hospitality for homeless families.