SPIFFY’S - St. Paul’s Intelligent Fun Filled Youth!
This youth group is specifically designed for 4th through 6th graders. Fun, friendship-building activities are planned once a month from September through April. This is a great way to build friendships before Confirmation starts! YES!!! Friends are invited!
Mini Summer Work Camps
Held each summer, these 3-day work camps are for 4th – 12th graders. These campers spend the mornings volunteering at Emmanuel Lutheran’s E-meal program, Keystone Opportunity Center, Grace’s Closet, Zion Mennonite’s Table of Plenty and The Lutheran Community at Telford.
St. Paul’s Confirmation Program
St. Paul’s confirmation program is a two year period of catechetical instruction which shares the basic teachings of the Christian faith. For most of St. Paul’s teens, the program begins in their seventh grade and concludes with the rite of confirmation towards the end of the second instructional year. For Lutherans, the confirmation rite is understood as a young person’s affirmation of the awesome promises God made in holy baptism.
The catechetical instruction is held in conjunction with youth from five local Lutheran churches during the school year. The instruction follows a Lutheran confirmation curriculum with classes being taught by the pastor. The classes use a variety of means for stimulating learning and discussion about both the joys and challenges of living the Christian life.
As part of the congregation, confirmation students are also expected to periodically serve as Sunday worship lectors, greeters or acolytes, or as helpers in the Sunday children’s ministry program.
In the culture in which we live, young people are often bombarded with negative influences. To provide a more positive perspective, St. Paul’s confirmation program strives to help youth discover the deep blessings and purpose which God offers in Jesus Christ!